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Ruth Mc Connell


My name is Ruth mc Connell and im 25 years old. i have 3 children and I am the daughter of the musician Paddy mc Connell who also resided in spring town camp and the neice of hugo mcconnell who is the founder of this website. The songs at which you are listening too were recorded  and sold to raise funds for children of crossfire around 4 years ago.
Music and singing has always been my passion. I was part of a 2 piece band originally called x-factor but we later changed our name to bliss ,we sang and performed a range of music from the 60's right up to the modern day era.
Currently my music and my performing has been put on hold as my children are very young, i do however hope to return to performing and recording music again as i would love to use my voice as a way to raise money for another of the wonderful charities out there.

I hope you enjoy my music and enjoy looking back over the years of Springtown Camp

Click HERE to listen












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