Springtown Camp 40th anniversary


Thursday the 11th of October is the 40th anniversary of the closing of Springtown



Camp.I have decided to re-publish the list of tennants of springtowncamp for the year 1956.With the 40th anniversary of the closing of Springtown Camp approaching it may afford people the opportunity to re-aquaint themselves with their former neighbours.It may also prompt a memory or two or even a teardrop who knows.
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The Craig family

I would like to say hello to the members of the Craig family Elizabeth and John who lived at 102 Springtown Camp.As far as I remember they had a fairly big family both boys and girls.I I think there was Danny , Gerard and Willie,there may have been more boys I am not quite sure.I think that one of the girls names was Rosemary.Myself and Willie were good friends. They were a religous family and it wasnt just once that I was nabbed for the rosary when I was in their hut.I would spend the entire rosary trying to make Willie laugh.I would kneel down beside him and jab and poke him When they would come to the sorrowful mystery I would let on to cry and when it came to the Joyful mystery I would try and giggle in his ear and so on and so on. Willie never cursed or swore were as I cursed like a trooper.I would try to bribe him to curse.I would get some brandyballs or penny dainties from my da's shop and tell him I would give them to him if he says fuck just once,but he never did.
Even though I was only 10 or 11 and after over 40years I still remember how welcome the whole family would make me feel when I was in their hut.I liked going over to the Craigs , they were a sharing family a loving family. If by chance you happen to be in their hut at dinner time or tea time what ever they were having you were having.I also remember the fact that they had great voices and they would all sing in the kitchen as they sat around the range.Willie had a fabulous voice .He sang in the choir as did other members of his family.He would also sing solo in competitions I loved hearing him sing.So again I would just like to say hello to the Craig family and wish them well.


We have peoples memories which we will publish here on the 11th of October.

If you do have a memory that you would like to share with us we would welcome it.