Springtown Camp Forum
I would like to invite as many people as possible to register at the forum. This is the Area of the website were you will get the opportunity to talk to someone who you may have not spoken to in years. With the 40th anniversary upon us it is a good time to put down our thoughts and memories before the passage time erases them completely.
Families of ex-Springtowners.
For some of the more senior members of the surviving residents of Springtown Camp the computer and the internet can be a daunting place.It is here that the families of the ex- Springtowners could be of great help to their parents and Grandparents. By taking some time to talk to them of their experiences of the Camp and by recording and emailing them to www.springtowncamp.com they would be preserving these memories, these unique memories forever, as well as getting a better understanding of what life was like for their parents and grandparents . They can also register at the forum and leave their thoughts there
Registering at the Forum:
I would like to point out that if for any reason you are finding it difficult to register at the forum you can contact me at
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and I will be delighted to help you to do it.