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www.springtowncamp.com are in the process of adding new features to the website.



These features are being worked on by our website designers at the moment.These new features will give www.sprintowncamp.com access to the most up to date methods in terms of easy use and quality for all our contributors that the internet has to offer..?These features are Primarily for the use of people with Springtown Camp connections but not exclusively so .We have many visitors to www.springtowncamp.com from all over the world and it goes without saying that they are very welcome to contribute.All our contributors will be able to upload their own work.

Springtowncamp Online Map

This of course is the map of Springtown Camp that is on the home page.We intend to use the tennants list from 1956 which can be found here as a starting point.We are taking the information from this list and putting the details of each family in their respective hut .The reference numbers which are now on the huts will be removed and the the original numbers will be added. This will allow our visitors to click on any of the huts to see who lived there .Each hut will have the facility to add or change information as is required.If there are any photographs of the the familys who lived there these can also be added.
Springtown Camp online Map update
An updated version of the Springtown Camp map is also being planned.This will show any huts that we have missed in the original map.It will also feature the Rushie field ,the burn the railway track and the Springtown Camp bridge.

Re-occupation of Springtown Camp online
Everyone who lived in Springtown Camp will have the oppurtunity to re-occupy their hut online .There will be no squatters but an orderly re-occupation By this I mean, for eg ?Mc Connells hut which was our hut number 151a will now be known as the Music hut. The details of this scheme and how you can re-occupy your hut will be explained in due course.

As we know Springtown Camp had a great depth of talent when it came to music, singing and entertainment so we hope that are musicians singers and song writers will find this feature a welcome addition .
Blasts from the Past
In the Music hut we initially will be adding the top three selling records from every year since 1946 and 1967 of course these were the years that Springtown Camp opened and closed.You can listen to your favorite song of yesterday year as you browse the www.springtowncamp.com website. If you have a favorite song from that era and it is not included just let us know and we will include it for you.?Recordings ??The Music Hut is also an area were are contributors can upload or download there own music .This is especially designed for people who have written and recorded music of their own and who would like to have their music heard by an international audience while still retaining all the rights to their music. We have already had music submitted to the website from various sources for the Music hut and look forward to recieving more. ?We invite all are musicans ,songwriters,singers etc to submit their work

As with the Music, Springtown Camp has been blessed with an abundance of talent when it comes to poetry.I hope that the poets hut will be widely used and everyone is welcome.
Philomena O Conner is a well known Donegal poet who publishes in both Irish and english. Phil is a close friend of mine and has kindly agreed to join us at www.springtowncamp.com. Phyl will be our poet in residence for a period of time.Phil's work was published recently to high acclaim and will be available on the website in early 2008.?We invite all poets of whatever hue to join us and submit their work.If you are a novice then Phyl will cast her poets eye over your work and perhaps help you to hone your craft.

We would dearly love to receive to material for the Artists Hut from anyone especially from people who have lived in Springtown Camp?We have secured the services of two young and exciting artists who have agreed two show there work on www.springtowncamp.com.These artists are engaged in work of the highest calibre.They both have been exhibiting their work at various locations throughout Ireland to high acclaim.We are delighted to welcome them and they are thrilled to exhibit on www.springtowncamp.com.

The writers Hut I think will be the most extensively used hut.It never ceases to amaze me how many writers springtown Camp has produced over the years,I know because I have had work submitted from quite a few of them which has not yet been published .The Writers hut will give them the opportunity to show there work.
So as you can see by the plan we have a very exciting year ahead on www.springtown Camp.com.I sincerely hope that you will support the website in 2008 as you all did so well in 2007.?Hugo